Shine Little Droplet, Shine

I believe we are all like droplets of the divine (consciousness), merged in a cosmic “ocean”.  If this sounds strange to you please take it as hyperbole or as an over-the-top allusion.  This poem was written in 2016.  I will mention before we start that I have used a rather clumsy word-form “al(l)ways” because I wanted to suggest both always (eternity) and all ways (all inclusiveness).

Shine Little Droplet, Shine

Walk lightly on the Earth. Dance joyously with others.

Sing with all the power of your breath…

and all the love in your heart.


Peace is our natural state of being.

Our souls vibrate in harmony with all beings

and resonate with truth.


There is no god but god.

The divine power reigns supreme.

The divine permeates and radiates from…

and expresses… all that is.


God is one…  God is all…

God is infinite…  and immanent…

and eternal…  al(l)ways.


Know that you are just one miracle… on one ball of rock

in one solar system, in one galaxy…

and you are so very small.

Yet, you are complete…  and you are perfect…

just as you are.


You are a perfect expression of the divine power, Itheshe.

You are just one drop in a vast, eternal ocean…

but, you are divine.

In you is all the essence…  all the perfection,

and expression of God…


You are remarkable.

Now is the time to be…

that wondrous, shiny pearl

in God’s omnipresent ocean.


Flow, little droplet, flow.  Be that faultless pearl.

Be the holy…  shiny being of light and love,

that is who you truly are.


Be at peace…

Give up your “littleness”…  and your illusions.

You are not a body…

You are not separate…  or alone.

You are intimately connected to all beings…

and to God.


Shine, little droplet, shine.

Dance and sing and shine!!


God bless.


Thanks for reading.  If you are unfamiliar with the expression “Itheshe” and would like to understand its use, please read the explanation at the end of  my last post: “The Creator’s Prayer”.

I wish you a peaceful, productive week.  Keep creating positively.  Things will improve soon.

In light and love,


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