Ten Suggestions for Making Things Count

If you keep reading you will find that there are more than ten suggestions but that’s probably a good thing.  The good ideas need to be shared and to expand to prevent the “bad” things from taking hold.

This poem was written in 2010 but was brought to mind because I’ve been transferring it to my computer in preparation for one day (soon?) publishing a book. The book, that I’ve been told for the past 20 years, that I would write.  So it’s topical for me.  It’s also quite playful in its language and tone.  I find these things helpful.  I hope you do too.



One: Look after Number One.

Look after your own needs first.

Love yourself…

for if you cannot do this you cannot love anyone.


Two: Think of others too.

Be compassionate.

Try to walk in another’s shoes before you condemn anyone.


Three: Exercise restraint: Leave others free…

to do as they choose.  Respect their rights to make mistakes.


Four: Find meaning in your life. Have something to live for.

If you make a difference, your life will add up.


Five: Live your life with integrity. If I’ve

learnt anything in my journey it’s that:

“Integrity is all about oneness, wholeness and truth.”


Six:  Sex… (now I have your full attention)

and possessions and the physical world do not really matter.

Do not be attached to things.

If you you do not have possessions you will not be “possessed”…

and you will have a better chance of finding

the things that really matter.


Seven: Seven is supposedly a lucky number.It’s fine to believe that but it’s_even

better to recognize that we operate under divine law,

and we make our own “luck”.

So, live right, do good things and think and behave positively,

and you will receive good things in return,

This is karma in operation.

It is divine justice, and divine compassion in action.


Eight: Eliminate from your life ill-will and h-ate.

Love is unconditional…

You cannot love any one, if you do not love all.


Nine: Know when to “ja” and when to say “nein”

Follow your heart. Do no harm to anyone.

(Don’t forget to include yourself!)


Ten (X/10): Express your love.

When it is appropriate give someone a kiss (X), or a hug ,1 (O),

or a shoulder to cry on, or a listening ear.

Be gentle and offer your support with kindness and respect.


Eleven: Welcome adversity for it is a gift from God.

When life is difficult you are being given chances to

learn and to grow.  Make the most of every opportunity.

Find the right balance and move on.


Twelve: Live life to the full. Each earthly life/incarnation is short.

Make every day count. Keep growing and evolving and finding….


Thirteen,                                 }        Your own ways to keep

Fourteen                                 }         making your life,

Fifteen                                     }         and our world, better.



Create well my friends.

Till next time, in love and light,
