Build and Not Tear Down

The challenge at the moment is to remain positive in the face of the world’s craziness.  And while it is important to stand up against the wrongs that are being perpetrated by so many of our misguided leaders who are too busy playing politics to really work on the things that really matter, it is important to create positively.

According to Isaac Newton and his “Third Law of Motion”: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”.  It is not surprising then that the most effective means of producing positive change is not to oppose another force head-on but to work to turn that force’s motion in a more favourable direction.  For example, even the National Rifle Association in the USA is open to banning the “bump” devices which turn semi-automatic weapons into effectively fully automatic weapons.

It is important to support and acknowledge any positive steps by own opponents however small.  It is important to maintain a working dialogue with all people if at all possible, for this makes future changes a little more possible.

The following poem was written by me six months ago.  Despite my familiarity with the expression “little one” I am still a little uncomfortable with this wording. Sometimes, particularly when capitalized (q.v. Little One), this term is directed towards me, and sometimes it is directed to all souls living at this time on the Earth.

I hope you find this poem helpful in some way.  And it is a “real” poem, almost, this time as it mostly rhymes.  I don’t know that the rhyming is as powerful as when the words flow from the heart almost indiscriminately, but its useful to explore other means of expression.  Enjoy.


Build and Not Tear Down


Find what is true and let everything else go.

You can do this for you already know,

which things are important, and which things are not…


so let go of the non-essentials, and live the life you could.

Let go of all the niceties, and obligations, and all the things you “should”.


Let go of the people, all those who waste your time,

with their gossip, and negativity, for your strength they undermine.

Let go of those “too serious” and all the “drama-queens”,

who like nothing better than a “war”, or “villains” and “victims”,

or any kind of scene.


Let go.  Let go.  Let go,

and let God be your guiding light.

Turn round.  Turn round,

and follow the path that is clearly in your sight.

Follow Truth, Love and Kindness, and let your flag unfurl,

as you step up… step forward…

to build a better world.


Let us march together, arm in arm, and hand in hand.

Let us cultivate the numbers of this ever-growing band,

of people who want to build and not tear down,


So build and create, all the good things in life…

and if we build together, and make each other stronger,

we will put an end to strife.


God bless all you fellows, who are seeking to end war.

God bless all you workers, who are seeking to restore,

the world of God’s creation, that we call Paradise…

and soon it will be here…


if we keep building on our building, and keep loving in our hearts…

and soon this new beginning will be a perfect start…


So little one, keep building…

Keep loving…

and keep growing…

in Love and Light and Truthfulness.


God bless,
