
Winter is here, and already it has been very cold. So it is even more important to have something uplifting to lift our spirits.

I’ve been going back over some old writings, in preparation for my book, and for a monthly Poetry group I guest-hosted recently.  This poem, written in 2008, speaks of renewal and the blessings that come from finding and following your path. Despite its simplicity and flaws, I hope you enjoy it.

In Love and Light,






A new day is beginning.

The long night is coming to its end.


The darkness is relaxing its grip on me.

On the horizon, the sky is brighter,

and the clouds are wearing,

a soft shade of pink.


I watch spellbound…

as this most beautiful of God’s ceremonies,



Things are becoming clearer.

The shadows take on form and substance.

I am starting to see what is real.


I am beginning to see the path,

for the next part of my journey.

Everything is becoming clear.


The joyful, twinkling, yellow sun,

bursts over the horizon.


I can feel its light…

giving me hope…

giving me vitality.


I am no longer the flower,

contracted and closed up,

for the long, cold night.


I am the flower… reborn.

I am the flower…  open,

lapping up the sun’s ever-loving rays.


Today is here.

Today there are endless possibilities.

For today… at last…

after the long, dark night…

I am bathed in light…

and my journey has begun.

The Twenty-Seventh of May: Australia’s Birthday?

Today’s poem is fairly controversial, and less overtly spiritual in nature, but it is about a topic that is important to many people.  I had hoped to publish it before the Twenty-Seventh of May, but I had hoped to get some feedback from some Kooris first.  [A Koori is an Aboriginal from southern New South Wales or Victoria].  For any overseas readers I mention that Australia Day is currently celebrated on the Twenty-Sixth of January, which is the anniversary of the arrival in 1788 of The First Fleet at Sydney Cove.

In writing this I have learned a few things, including that according to the “The Macquarie Dictionary” (which calls itself “Australia’s National Dictionary”) “Aboriginal” is the term that the “Australian Government Style Manual” and ATSIC (the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission) recommend or prefer to “Aborigine”.

I have tried to put myself into other people’s shoes, and hopefully, this suggestion, will receive some consideration.  I hope you enjoy this change of focus.

In Love and Light,



Which day should be our national day?

Some people want to move Australia Day,

to celebrate our country on a different, less divisive day…

one that doesn’t celebrate an invasion.

I can understand that.


Perhaps the 27th of May would be a good day,

for that is the day in 1967, that Australia voted,

to recognize Aboriginals… as people.


It is shocking to think that that was only fifty-two years ago…

less that a lifetime…  even if you take as your measure,

the lifetime, of an indigenous person.


On the day that we started to see Aboriginals as people…

on the day that we started to repudiate the lie,

of “Terra Nullius”…  the empty land…

that is the day we started our slow path to reconciliation.

That is the day we started to become a civilized nation.


We still have so far to go…

If we want to celebrate our potentially-great nation,

we should recognize that our path, to our redemption…

and to the creation of a kind and loving world,

took its first breath then.


Australia was born in 1967, on May Twenty-Seventh.

Time to Heal the Earth

As “Poetry”, my scribblings are pretty feeble, but they come from the heart, and that is the most important thing of all.  This poem was written in 2008, and since then the need for Healing on our planet, and for human tolerance and understanding, has continued to increase.  So hopefully, it remains timely, and relevant, but, that is for you to decide.

When I transcribed the poem onto my computer four weeks after writing it, I was “inspired” to add another part, and in keeping with this I will publish that extension, in four weeks time.  I hope you enjoy this work.

In love and light,





There is hope… when we forget the past.

Ill-feeling fades… it will not last.

Think of the Cosmos… it is so vast…

The time is now… Take it… before it has passed.


This is the time for Love to reign.

This is the moment, for us, all, to be sane.

To end the wars… with so many lives, being lost, in vain.

It is time… to start again.


Arabs and Jews, Christians and Muslims,

blacks and white… people of all colours:

Let go of your differences.

They are not real.

Hold on instead to our common humanity.


Bad things have been done in this world.

Entire peoples have been killed.

Entire cultures have been destroyed,

and in many places, this destruction still goes on.


It matters not who has done, or is doing this.

Everyone has sinned………

the only difference is in the degree.


We are all culpable.


It is time to heal our Earth.

Bombs Falling (Unseen and Forgotten)

It has been quite a while since I posted anything on this site, as life has been challenging me in all sorts of ways. I have been pushed by the divine to change my life, and there have been a few bumps along the way, but the good news is…

I’m back. This poem is a little more political than I usually write, but sometimes one needs to speak out against injustice and inhumanity.

The new minister at the local Anglican Church near me had begun a prayer vigil, for the plight of refugees around the world, especially for the asylum-seekers on Nauru, many of whom have been indefinitely detained for more than five years.  And while I was sitting, waiting for the vigil to begin, I contemplated the lit candles laid out on the cross on the floor in front of me, and I wrote the following:



I’m sitting in the church waiting for the prayer vigil to start,

looking at the array of candles sitting on the cross.

The words of the chorus of that old hymn come to me:

“This little light of mine, let it shine, let it shine.

This little light of mine, let it shine, let it shine.

This little light of mine, let it shine, let it shine.

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.”

So easily can the lights go out.

Children taken before their time.

Bombs dropped from on high, from planes,

manned by uncaring monsters??

Are they?

How can they do these terrible things?

But… why do we

let it happen?


I wish everyone all the best for the impending holiday season, but I guess if you are a refugee in an Australian detention centre, then one day is pretty much the same as another. I pray their suffering will end soon.

In Love and Light,


Is There Anybody Out There?

Here’s a wildly different poem from my usual work.  The following poem was written in 2009, and re-worked a few weeks ago to highlight the questions that it asks.

I am posting this at the suggestion of a member of the astronomy group, at which I recently read the poem.  It does raise some existential questions even though it is not a particularly spiritual poem.

It is somewhat dated and inaccurate because our burgeoning space technology has rapidly improved recently.  We now know there are many more galaxies, each with more stars than we previously suspected, and each day there are more and more exoplanets being discovered.

Consider where humankind was 12,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age. Consider, too, humankind’s technological progress over the past twenty years, and its continuing advance into the future.

What will we be doing in 100 years time?  What amazing technologies will we have in 1,000 years time?

What could a more intelligent species achieve if it had had an extra one million years to evolve?  Isn’t this mind-boggling?  Please consider all of this as you read the following:


Is there anybody out there… in space?

It seems unlikely, that there is not.


Consider that there are millions of stars in our galaxy…

and that there are hundreds of thousands of galaxies, in our Universe.


Are we the only planet with life?

How could that be the case?

If life happened spontaneously, because the conditions were right,

how could there not be other worlds?

That would be like saying that among all the beaches along this coastline,

there was just one grain of sand, on one particular beach,

which had just the right size, and just the right component molecules,

to instigate, and sustain life…and all the zillions of others did not.


The chances of this, are so small as to be infinitesimal…

So impossibly small, as to be impossible.


Even if you anthropomorphize God, and turn Itheshe,

into a Super-man (or Super-woman), who created everything,

it is still improbable… No, it is inconceivable,

that God would create millions of stars, in hundreds of thousands of galaxies,

which have no other purpose, that to form a cosmic backdrop for us…

the ‘‘special creations’’ … to ponder,

and perhaps, one day, to explore, God willing.


Is this the best reason we have to explain God’s creations?

Surely not, for it is laughable, that we are such ‘‘special creatures’’,

that we are the high points of God’s creation.

Such hubris, and self-importance, demeans the magnificence of God.


Truly, we are like ants, busy building our nests and our colonies…

unable to see, or comprehend the vastness of our Universe…

unable to see beyond our little patch of ground.


If there are other, more intelligent life-forms out there…

why have they not made contact with us?

Probably, they already have, for there are certainly many sightings of spacecraft.

There have been many reports of abductions…

of people being taken up into spacecraft, and studied ‘‘scientifically’’.


If you think this implausible, or preposterous, think of what we do,

when we find new, ‘‘lesser’’ species. Isn’t this just what we do?

We study their habitats and behaviours discreetly.

We use our technology to observe the ‘‘lesser creatures’’.

We tranquilize some, and capture them,

and while they are mostly unaware of their surroundings,

we measure them and often fit tracking devices to their bodies.


Although we mostly return the ‘‘lesser creatures’’ to their habitats,

to go on with their lives… we keep a few as specimens for research…

or as trophies, or as exhibits in our zoos.


In the past, we have done the same thing with people,

from other, newly-discovered cultures that we deemed the ‘‘primitive’’.

‘‘Specimens’’ were taken home to be studied and displayed,

to show the populace what these ‘‘savages’’ were like.

It was deemed necessary to demonstrate to the ordinary people,

that colonization, and religious indoctrination,

were for the benefit of these ‘‘brutes’’.

There wishes were not thought to be worthy of consideration.


If our species as a whole has a karma…

perhaps, it is time that we… are ‘‘found’’.


We are almost certainly, not the ‘‘highest’’, most-evolved form of life.

Certainly, the odds of us being so are astronomical.

Yet, we are so limited in our thinking, that most of us,

believe we are the ‘‘highest’’, physical form of life.


Mind you, it was only a few hundred years ago, that Man believed,

that the Earth was the centre of God’s creation,

and that Heaven was suspended above the Earth, on columns.

Incredibly, some still do.


There are almost certainly, other higher life-forms out there.

Consider, the artistry and complexity of crop circles…

Certainly, many have been made by humans, but if they are not all ‘‘hoaxes’’,

then they could be a way of someone, or something, wanting us to be aware of their presence.

Consider, too, the Nazca lines… why are they only visible from above?


There are so many questions, and perhaps, the most interesting is:

Why have they not contacted us properly?

I would suggest it is because they are higher life-forms.

Consider this…

If you were a ‘‘higher life-form’’, would you want to befriend a culture,

that seemed hell-bent on destroying its people and its habitat?

Would you want to share superior technology with a species,

that already has the capacity and the willingness…

to destroy its planet… and itself?


If you came across a world of warlike ‘‘sub-humans’’…

who were threatening their world…

what would you do? Would you intervene?

Would you offer support, and higher technology,

and hope that they would change?

Would you sit back and watch… and hope,

that they would not destroy their world…

or another? Or would see them as a terrifying threat?


To me, the lack of contact suggests that the beings out there,

must be higher beings….

And they are waiting to see what we will do.

They are waiting to see if we can be trusted…

to not destroy, this planet… and ourselves.



Thanks for reading this.  I wish you well in your journeys through Life. Please continue to make our world better.

In Love and Peace,


God is in all Things

The Divine speaks to us all every day.  If only we would listen.  In even the smallest of things, there is Itheshe, or God, as the source is more commonly known.

This poem was written in a Quaker meeting a month ago, and was inspired by a cool, windy and wet day viewed from the comfort of the meeting house.

On my 1¾ hour drive to the meeting I was inspired by the beauty of the open and often rocky countryside, and I stopped a number of times to take photos of rainbows shining above the wet fields.

I felt supported by the Divine and truly blessed.  This poem followed.  I hope you enjoy it.

In light and Love,



Listen to the rain.

Listen to the wind.

Listen to your heart…

for God is in all things.

See the branches dancing in the wind.

See the light shimmering in its reflections.

See humanity and divinity in everything…

for God is in all things.

Feel the caress of the gentle breeze.

Feel the miraculous beating of your heart.

Feel the connection to all beings…

for God is in all things.

Think about your own insignificance.

Think about our vast, incomprehensible Universe.

Think about your own, Divine magnificence…

for God is in all things.

God bless,



P.S.  Apologies to anyone who has been disappointed by the long delay in making this post.  There is no excuse for my slackness, but you may be pleased to hear that I have been busy preparing for a hoped-for publication of the/(my) book, that will be published when the time is right: hopefully, very soon.

In Death There is Life

Hi everyone.  No I haven’t dropped off the face of the Earth. I’m not sure whether I’ve been just busy or slack, but either way, I haven’t done a blog entry for ages.

This is my first one for 2018, and I’m looking forward to a positive and uplifting year. There are some exciting new changes happening for me, and I hope you are all creating your lives well, too.  Many blessings to you all, and may your year be filled with love and light and achievement.

This poem was written in 2016, and has a couple of words that need explanation.  I have used “interconnectedness” to suggest a state of interconnection rather than just interconnection.  That seems to me to be a subtle but important difference.  And I have used again “my” word for God, “Itheshe” which is derived from “It”, “He” and “She”. Please tolerate, if you can, my “eccentricities” (idiosyncrasies).


In Death There is Life


It is a beautiful world.

There is so much complexity, and interconnectedness, in everything.


Everything is a wonder…

so spend some time wondering,

and marvelling at “creation”.


“In the beginning was the word…”

and it turned into our world,

and even more incomprehensibly,

into our universe.


There is so much to wonder at,

and yet it is all “illusion”.

The solid body is made up of tiny, “invisible” atoms,

which are, in turn, mostly empty space…


and these atoms as they dance, their cosmic dances,

join in conga lines of molecules,

and cluster into “compounds”

and “cells” and “organs”

and individual creatures,

each mostly unique from its fellows.


There are so many species of beetles and flies

and bacteria and mammals.

It is amazing…


You have heard the expression perhaps that “beauty is skin-deep”,

but this is wrong.

Beauty is everywhere…  in everything…

even in the things that disturb, or disgust you.


Have you ever seen the rainbow colours of an oil film?

Have you seen the awesome power of a crocodile’ s jaws

closing on its prey.


There is beauty everywhere.

Everything is God’s creation.

Itheshe dances everywhere.


“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”…

which is nearly true.

Beauty is appreciated by its beholder…

for everything is beautiful.


Do not be disturbed by death,

for this too is beautiful.

It is an intrinsic part of the life cycle of our illusory world.


Death breeds life.

The plant or animal that you eat, sustains you,

and helps your body to grow, or renew itself,

or to survive.


Similarly, the waste that you produce,

and even your body when you have discarded it,

help to sustain other creatures,

and help them to grow and reproduce

and to survive.


In life there is death…

and in death, there is life.


It is a beautiful cycle.

It is truly amazing.


God bless,
